Although the dogs had gotten to the point that they ignored the sounds of the construction of the new house across the street (except when the big cement trucks and pumpers show up), we were approaching Independence Day with some trepidation.
This country seems overly fond (some would say) of aerial bombs - cuetes - which are set off for any slight reason: every saint's day, historical occasions, festials, even someone's birthday, you name it - and so we were apprehensive about the coming Independence Day celebrations.
There were a few cuetes on Friday morning, but then nothing!
So we thought, OK, there will be more on Saturday - the day of El Grito (the Cry for Independence/Revolution), which occurred in nearby Delores (now Delores Hidalgo in honor of the priest who delivered the stirring speech that began the movement for independence). El Grito is re-enacted in many towns throughout Mexico late in the evening of the day before Independence Day. And, of course, especially here in San Miguel (now San Miguel de Allende to recognize one of the first leaders of the revolution who came from San Miguel). After El Grito on the Eve of Independence Day, the crowd from Delores walked cross-country to San Miguel, picking up leadership and support for their cry for freedom.
So, more cuetes late at night, right? Wrong; quiet.
Now this morning, bright and early, there have been tremendous rounds of cuetes set off, which have sounded as if they were in our backyard -- and the dogs (well, Miyake, at least) have been appropriately noisy in return. This hasn't seemed to have made any difference to those setting them off - just us. But here it is, 8:30 am and all is quiet. One can even hear the birds chirping in the bushes. Wonder if it's done for the day???
San Miguel de Allende is a tourist spot for both gringos and Mexicans alike. We really were battening down the hatches for a prolonged noisy celebration, but it may not occur - or it may occur at a more reasonable hour. Perhaps because it's a Sunday, events will be delayed? Certainly not like the 200th Anniversary Celebration of recent past. Of course, we'd managed to book ourselves on cruises the last couple of years during this time, so we've had only reports of the festivities by which to judge.
Guess I'll try my hand at making a peanut butter mousse pie. 'Cacahuate' - that's Spanish, si?