Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bang! Pop! Pow!

Holidays, fiestas, saints days - they're all big things here in Mexico.  And they are all celebrated - usually with fireworks beginning at dawn.  And fireworks include aerial bombs, i.e., loud explosions.

We thought we had escaped most of the noise when we moved to La Lejona. We have no church in our section of town (it's a fraccionamento, not a colonia) and the nearest churches are some ways away, so what bombs that are set off are not near.  The dogs don't even notice them.

So imagine our surprise this morning when it was Bang! Pop! Pow!   We hurried up to the rooftop to see if we could find out what was going on.  It sounded quite close, so if it was next door we could throw a bucket of water on the offenders!!!

However, it was about a block away:  a procession on the road out of town towards Celaya.  Dozens of folks walking down the highway in the outside lane, accompanied by several police vehicles with flashing lights, flag men to remind drivers to use the inside lane, and a band in bright orange/red suits (playing slightly out of tune).  Banners were carried by members of the procession that stretched for some ways.

It was kind of neat, actually, and I was glad they were out of reach of our buckets of water.  The instruments would suffer from the damp - though they sounded like they had already suffered.

We later found that it was a saint's day - San Pacual Bailon (thanks, Viktor) so all is square.  San Pascual was a religious born on Passover (hence, the name Pascual) in 1540 in Aragon, Spain.  Until he was 24, he was a shepherd, then became a Franciscan brother.  He later became patron of the Eucharistic Congresses and nighttime Adoracion.

Not sure where the church of San Pascual is in town.  Perhaps just a neighborhood that celebrated the saint's day.  As usual, we're guessing here.   Isn't Mexico fun!

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