Monday, January 16, 2012

Fallen Women and I

[Yes, I know that should be 'Fallen Women and Me,' but I like the sound of 'FW & I' and it's my blog, see!?!  So, on to the subject of the post.]

There is a story that many of the women in San Miguel are 'fallen women.'

Not because of loose morals (more on that later, perhaps), but because they have fallen on our sidewalks, streets, any where.  One problem with our 'Disneyland South' characterization is that Disney would never permit a park to have such treacherous streets and sidewalks.  They'd be asking for lawsuits!  No, it's not Disneyland South - it is dangerous.

One day we were driving down Mesones (heart of the tourist district) looking for a friend we were to meet, when an Anglo woman fell flat on the sidewalk in front of us.  I wish I had had a camera handy, as it was a perfect example of what visitors may expect.  We did feel sorry for the woman, but these things happen here.

When we're walking into town from home, Michael is always the one who sees people we know, waves at them, et cetera.  We don't have city-maintained sidewalks, it's up to the property owner to deal with them. I'm focused on where my feet are going next.  I've stumbled a few times - when the sidewalk jumps up in front of me, but never fallen.

So Saturday night, we've been over to friends for drinks and then headed to a favorite restaurant for dinner and live music.  Afterwards, we're walking up the main street (Ancha de San Antonio which morphs into Salida a Celaya) on our way home when Splat!  down I go on both hands and knees.  I do bounce right back up, but Michael and our friends are concerned and there's a car with 3 English-speaking folks who stop to see if I'm okay.  And I am okay; smarting from the indignity more than anything else.

So after a few rounds of 'That's alright; I'm okay,' we continue on our way home.

The next morning, I'm not so okay.  I had twisted my knee previous to this little affair, and the fall hadn't helped any.  So I'm limping around - trying not to limp, but dang! it hurts.  And we live about 2 miles from Centro, so it's a long walk there and back

Took a few days off from walking into town for Starbucks, but today decided to make the trip.  And I'm happy to report that the ol' knee is doing better as a result of that 4-mile walk.  Still a bit sore, but much better than before.  I can take the stairway up to the third floor to check on the laundry and not limp back down.

And we looked at the portion of the sidewalk where the 'incident' happened today - the outer stones on the sidewalk are missing!  No wonder I fell down - I stepped off into air.

So it's back to watching the ground and letting Michael tell me when to wave at passing friends.  And no smart remarks about being a fallen woman!

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