Wednesday, December 19, 2012

No Longer Bereft

Well, as fate would have it, I'm no longer bereft with the loss of my credit cards et al.

We received a call this evening from a Spanish-speaking woman and I turned the phone over to Michael who speaks more Spanish than I.

As it turns out, one of her children found the cards and IDs yesterday.  Going through the cards, she found our phone number and called this morning, but we already left for the bank.  So she called again this evening and  reached us!

No wallet (someone now has a Fossil wallet) and no cash, of course, but I've got all the cards!

So we headed out, passing Mega (stopping to withdraw a reward from the ATM machine) and were hoofing it down the Ancha when someone honked and pulled over.  It was Alejandro, a friend from Centro, who took us to the address we were seeking and interpreted for us.

So I now have my California driver's license, my Mexican visa (thank you, Jesus; we just saved $3100 pesos to replace it with a new visa - there are no 'replacements' issued, you get a new visa), my INAPAM card (old-folks' discount card - which included our phone number), my Sam's card and Costco card, and my Club 33 card (for which they wanted $25 to replace)!  Replacements for the others have already been ordered and will eventually show up when our mail forwarding company gets around to it.

American Express sends them via UPS Next Day, but they're going to our Laredo address (don't tell a creditor you live full-time in Mexico if you want to have a credit card), so there will be a delay in receiving them.  Others are mailed USPS.  Only one provider charged a replacement fee and it was only $7.50.  Luckily, we avoided paying the Club 33 fee!

So I can again purchase online for the States and I have my local bank's card for the peso account. Yahoo!!!

Restores your faith in folks, ya know?  [And the person who stole my wallet has risked their eternal soul for $25 in pesos and a nice wallet.  Maybe they needed it.]

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