Friday, May 24, 2013

Heat Spell Breaks

Although it's not quite rainy season yet, and there were some sputtering starts along the way, we actually got rained on last night.

Rain has been predicted this week, but only a small chance of it.  That usually means there may be a cloud or two in the sky.  But yesterday afternoon there were some sprinkles: small drops at first, then larger ones, a roll of thunder ... and then everything stopped.

After dinner, the wind came up, rattling our windows and French doors.  Dogs went into frightened mode, quivering while laying under our computer desks.  A great, loud crash was the result of our bedroom's French door swinging open and then closing rapidly in the wind.  More terror for the dogs!

Eventually everyone went to bed, drifting off to sleep in a hot, humid atmosphere - only to awake close to midnight to the pitter-pat of soft rain falling.  It felt glorious and it was falling so slowly that the rain should have a chance to soak into the earth rather than just run off.  Just the kind of rain we needed!

Now if only the 'real' rainy season will arrive and continue to shower down upon us.  Michael said that last year - when I was in the MidWest - it was unreasonably hot before the storms arrived.  It did reach 91F yesterday.  Let's hope it doesn't make it that high any time soon!

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