Monday, August 12, 2013

Sana Fe Opera

So we've just returned from our annual trek to Santa Fe, New Mexico to see their season of opera.  For three weeks each summer, their schedule is such that you can see all 5 operas in a one-week period - and we did!

The operas were uniformly wonderfully produced and sung: Traviata was staged on a stage covered with square-ish blocks (some called it a graveyard) that magically transformed to a party house, to a rural garden, to a sick-room.  The Violetta was wonderful, even when singing on her deathbed (or hanging over the sides).  The rest of the cast were also great; the orchestra played well.

La Donna del Lago (based on the Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott) was very Scots and not only Joyce Di Donato (lately of the Met), but everyone else sang in the belle canto style (lots of coloratura, whether female or male singers).  This style usually puts me to sleep, but there was no slumbering here - too exciting.  Stagecraft was also wonderful to watch!  This production will be going to the Met in 2015: lock, stock, and barrel.

The Grand Duchess of Gerolstein was a fabulously produced Offenbach ditty.  The production was better than the music, though everyone sang well enough.  Lots of stagecraft here, too.  Just sort of a long opera, though it starred Susan Graham (also lately of the Met).

The Marriage of Figaro was next.  A wonderful production (am I using that phrase too often?) with equally wonderful singing. I always get the two Figaro operas confused and kept waiting for the tenor to start popping off high C's - in vain.  There were ingenious sets that conquered the space limitations of Santa Fe's stage well.  One wall unit kept stretching as additional sections were added as it made it's way slowly across the entire stage and off the other side.  All from 12-foot deep wings!

Last was the world premiere of Oscar, based on the final years of Oscar Wilde's life.  Modern music from a composer new to opera, a fabulous counter-tenor in the lead, the usual Santa Fe over-the-top production.  Not sure it shouldn't be subject to a re-write before it plays in Philadelphia in 2015, though.  There will be time to make some adjustments, as the opera commentator remarked.

We also added a backstage tour of their opera house.  Great to see the sets and costumes up close (no touching!) and the shops and workrooms that produce it all.

Our travels included a flight from our nearest airport in Leon to Tijuana, walking across the border, dinner at a restaurant in Pacific Beach, then (for something completely different) Sister Act - the Musical which was in town.  The next morning we flew to Albuquerque, picked up a rental car (gosh, that guy wanted so badly to sell us the insurance add-on, but we'd already bought a rental-car policy, so no sale), and trundled off to Santa Fe.  By that time we were running late, so went directly to our friends' house for dinner and eventually drove north of town to Buffalo Thunder (a casino and resort).  By that time is was very dark and pouring down rain, so it wasn't a drive that I'd want to repeat.  During the day it seemed like a short trip; under less favorable conditions it took forever!  [Why don't they acquaint you with the car before you drive off the lot?  We didn't find the complete wiper controls until much later in the trip - and it rained the first day!]

Our days were full of shopping, dining, opera house tours, naps, and spa times.  Our hotel (we stayed at the nearby Homewood Suites) provided breakfast and dinners most days, so we had lunches out and about town.  On the next Saturday - before repeating our earlier travel plans in reverse - we had time for an additional lunch with our friends before heading south to ABQ.  We had attended two operas with them, taking advantage of the Opera Buffets and talks by Desiree Mays;  good interpretations of the operas and fabulous food (the lamb in a chipotle-chocolate sauce the first night was particularly wonderful)!  We may just book ourselves into the buffets every night the next time we're there.

Yes, whenever that is.  We probably won't attend Santa Fe next year - too many commitments in August.  But we're looking forward to hearing the repertoire for 2015 when it's announced later this year.  Here's hoping for Thais....

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