Thursday, February 19, 2015

New Water Meters

Yes, it's true -- our street now has new water meters!  For the last 3 years we've lived with a buried meter.  It was the old-fashioned kind with dials, not digits, so readings were approximated.  It was also buried and we often though that the meter reader didn't bother to uncover it - just repeated the last month's reading.

Our meter was situated below the level of the sidewalk at the point where our sidewalk met our neighbor's sidewalk - a difference of a few inches as the street went uphill.  The gap between these two sections of sidewalk was filled with dirt and the occasional plant life.  As we didn't know how deep it was buried, we didn't even try to read it ourselves.

All this changed earlier this week when work crews swarmed the street, dug trenches, replaced the old meters with digital ones, and the holes were filled in, cemented, and a hinged lid was placed above the meter.

We still need to dig the dirt out of the finger-hole to lift the flexible lid, but I'm anxious to see what the meter looks like.  Some houses had the meter installed in their outer walls, so we have a good idea of the style, but actually seeing it is best, don't you think?

I've heard others who had their meters replaced earlier in the year complaining that their readings were higher, but guessing at the reading does eventually catch up!

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