Looking at another blogger's post - showing a picture of the shiner he received while playing rugby - I thought, Gee, what if we lived an exciting life?
Instead, I'm reporting that it rained last night! Or even that just wait until we start traveling again (August) when things will be happening, though I may not remember to post about it until it's all a blur...and I sum it up in a few sentences.
In the meanwhile, I can report that according to the weather map on the BBC, we're to have rain 'sometime' today.
And we're walking into downtown to pick up a package containing a new crocodile hat, the first one having been mangled before we got it. The hat is a necessity because we're (a group sailing together on the Disney Cruise Line) are going to dinner one night in costume as the Lost Boys from Peter Pan. Now you may not remember a boy dressed as a crocodile, but there was a certain crocodile who lusted after the rest of Captain Hook after tasting his hand - and who swallowed a ticking clock. I've got the clock to hang around my neck (its ticks nicely) while wearing my crocodile suit and needed the hat to finish off the costume. The suit is a 'onesiee' style (think jammies).
Michael, on the other hand, is wearing a more traditional lost boys costume which involves a fox hat... Disney not allowing face-covering costumes on board ship. His costume is of mascot quality, but we had to substitute the hat for the head piece (see above reason).
Michael has just announced that the shower is available, so that's all for now, folks!
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